Monday, March 11, 2013

March Mandala

The mandala for this month was done using the "snowflake method". I cut a snowflake out of tracing paper and lightly traced it onto this grey Canson paper. Then I connected any points that I felt would enhance the design. At a recent meeting of my art quilt group we talked about color. For the next gathering we are to bring an item an explain the color according to a color wheel. Maybe that influenced my choice of using analogous colors from the blue to purple. That combination should be easy to explain:)

Funny, I made a special effort to buy just the "right" paper for colored pencil and ended up using a piece that I found in my drawer. This learning process continues and I know that I have a lot more practice to do. What fun!


azzizz_tirta said...

beautiful sandra, demure colors.
but i am also attracted by your beautiful header of your blog. how do you do it? thanks

Alex said...

Love it! Beautiful symmetry, gorgeous cool colors combination, and love the flow of it :)

Unknown said...

Very beautiful, I suppose a quilt like that would be really difficult?