Wednesday, September 23, 2015

This and that

This is the 11th quilt that I have made by myself or with others. It is for a retired or injured veteran. Usually I send them to an organization to anonymously give them. However, this time it was given to a veteran who is a member of the health club that I attend. His reaction was delightful and it was a nice way to end the series. Maybe, there will be another one, but I'm ready to move on to other projects.

Bud and his wife are on the left and I'm third from the left.

This flower quilt is made from my hand dyed cotton and silk along with commercial fabrics. I wove the background, fused the flower and leaves and then added accents by thread painting.
A nice learning piece.

One of the nice gestures lately is creating a free library. People place little cupboards outside and passer byes are invited to take a book and leave a book. These neighbors went way beyond and made a nice walkway, doors with glass, a welcome bench and planters. It's fun and so easy to stop for a new book. Thank you to these people who have shared some happiness.